Hindsight is 20/20
Well, now that I look back on it, trying to make my Photoshop collage look like a non-Photoshop collage may not have been the best idea I ever had. It just looks like I didn't know how to creatively blend stuff.
Le sigh.
For evidence that I actually do know how to use Photoshop, click here, here, and here.
Furthermore, and though it has nothing to do with our class, it does have something to do with RTF and Digital Media. I am working on my Audio Project for 318, and I don't much like it. I scrapped an idea of doing a Superman radio play parody after deciding that it was too cute and not funny, and decided instead to do an audio soundscape of a Yeats poem, with an accompanying piano. The result so far is sounding pretty good, using sounds taken from a lake-house visit, and lots of birds. But I just seem to never be content with my work.
That's a good trait to have, though, right?
Also, I never mentioned that I thought that Chick Tract Remix was hilarious. So I will mention it now: I thought that Chick Tract Remix was hilarious.
Spring Break. Yeah, I should get on that.
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