So, here's my new template. I've tried to write this update about three times before now, and I keep closing the browser down and forgetting to save the draft.
But, yeah, this is it. I may have to make little tweaks here and therel: I'm still trying to figure out how to get the comments page to look the way I want it, and I may figure out a better way to do the dates and times of entries, but for now, this is what I am turning in for the grade.
In other news, I missed class today. Anything too terribly exciting happen in my absence?
And if this template look is too terribly 1990's-Nickelodeon-looking, let me know, because I can change it. I thought it would be more classy, but it turned out looking kinda kiddie-ish. If you think so too, I'll change it.
Hooray for stylesheets.
Baylor, could you sent me an email with a link to your blog? It will help me keep everything straight.
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