Sunday, April 10, 2005

With All These Things That I've Done

Again, I've fallen behind on my blog updating. We're approacing the end of the semester now, where both class expectations and student slackerdom begin reaching their high points. The end of the semester can't come soon enough. Not that I don't love you all, but I just need this semester to be over. I'm sure we all feel the same way.

I'm plugging away on my Flash project still. Will probably be done by Tuesday.

Here is a pretty interesting article about copyright and digital media. Well, interesting might be a bit of a stretch ( has never quite dazzled me with the depth of their coverage), but it is timely. It mentions the Grokster case, which could be landmark, or it could not. There's a whole discussion to be had about that, and somehow I think we'll be having that discussion in class.

On that particular issue, the entire score for Revenge of the Sith leaked onto the web this weekend. I'm a bit of a John Williams fan, and I... well, I snatched up the mp3's. Illegally. I'm part of the problem, not the solution. I'll download mp3's, though, but I won't download movies. In part because I have a crappy computer and I value the tiny hard drive space I have, but also because I have moral qualms about it. Well, not so much moral qualms as, I fancy myself a filmmaker by trade (delusions), and I really consider paying money to see a film a way of saying that "yes, I am interested in the work you have done, O' colleague."

The Star Wars score, for those of you who care about this line of thing, is pretty impressive. If you're interested, I can send you a few tracks.

Er. I mean, buy the CD. Yes, buy the CD. Yes. Buy it.


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