Thursday, April 14, 2005

Flashtastic Storybookfilm

Roderick and the Quest for Truth in a World So Cold is finished and ready to be viewed by audiences around the globe. It's got an aspect ratio of 1:1.85, so be sure to resize your window to acheive the maximum cinematic effect.

For its relative simplicity, it took quite awhile to finish. If I'd had more time to work on it (though I'm not complaining about the extra week we were given), I would have had some music to correspond with each location he visited. Some harmonium music for Paris, some trance for the rave, some... something for the Venezuelan brothel. But, I am content with the product I have here. Perhaps not completely satisfied, but definately content.

I like that I now have some knowledge of Flash. This could definately come in handy in the future.

Anyway, if you're reading this FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, COMMENT ON THE PROJECT!

Nobody ever comments on anyone else's blogs anymore. We're in the College of Communication... well, most of us are. So, let's communicate.

Furthermore, I am very tired I think I'm going over to Kerby Lane for some queso and a Dr. Pepper.


Blogger Novella said...

I enjoyed your flash project, although the black text was a little hard to see at times. The scenes with Roderick looking at himself in the mirror were awesome. One of my favorite projects I've watched so far.

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